María Silva Gago-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (10)


  1. Cognitive archaeology, attention, and visual behavior

    Cognitive archaeology, body cognition, and the evolution of visuospatial perception (Academic Press Reino Unido), pp. 213-239

  2. Cognitive archaeology, attention, and visual behavior

    Cognitive Archaeology, Body Cognition, and the Evolution of Visuospatial Perception (Elsevier), pp. 213-239

  3. Psychometrics, visuospatial abilities, and cognitive archaeology

    Cognitive Archaeology, Body Cognition, and the Evolution of Visuospatial Perception (Elsevier), pp. 279-304

  4. Psychometrics, visuospatial abilities, and cognitive archaeology

    Cognitive archaeology, body cognition, and the evolution of visuospatial perception (Academic Press Reino Unido), pp. 279-304


  1. Visual attention reveals affordances during Lower Palaeolithic stone tool exploration

    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 13, Núm. 9


  1. A preliminary survey on hand grip and hand-tool morphometrics in three different stone tools

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 23, pp. 567-573