Puntos de interés geológico en un espacio periurbano (Badalona). Una herramienta para la enseñanza de la geología

  1. A. Andreu 1
  2. F. Carceller 2
  3. J.M. Parés 3
  1. 1 C/ Canigó, 11,3º-2ª. 08915-Badalona.
  2. 2 I.E.S. Pompeu Fabra. C/. Molí de la Torre 34-58. 08915-Badalona.
  3. 3 lnstitut de Ciencies de la Terra (Jaume Almera). C/. Martf i Franqués s/n. 08028-Barcelona.

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 1996

Issue: 20

Pages: 1453-1456

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta


In arder to improve the geologica/ maps of the Badalona area of Barcelona, a geological scheme of the area was generated by the GIS program which was used to digitize information from orthomaps. Ground truth was provided by fie/d work carried out at a series of the most important geological locations of the area. Information collection was carried out by secondary school students supervised by Earth Sciences teachers. The use of geographical information systems (GIS) combined with field data provides an important new tool far use in the improvement of geological and scientific knowledge.