Avances en la elaboración de una escala magneto- biostratigráfica del Terciario continental de Europa Occidental:magnetoestratigrafía de las sucesiones oligocénicas del sector SE de la cuenca del Ebro e implicaciones en el estudio de la cinemática de sus márgenes tectónicos
- L. Cabrera 1
- M. Garcés 2
- E. Roca 1
- J. Agustí 3
- X. Barberà 1
- M. Marzo 1
- J.M. Parés 4
Universitat de Barcelona
- 2 Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra Jaime Almera
- 3 Instituto de Paleontología Miquel Crusafont
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
ISSN: 1576-5172
Year of publication: 2000
Issue Title: IV Congreso del Grupo Español del Terciario (Tremp, 19-21 septiembre, 2000)
Issue: 2
Pages: 51-54
Type: Article
More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)
Recent litho and biostratigraphic studies carried out on the continental sequences of the southeastern Ebro Basin (NE Spain) have shown that accurate magnetostratigraphic studies can be carried out on continuous, widely exposed successions,which cover most of Paleogene to early Neogene times. Moreover the large, still increasing number of fossil mammal localities make the Ebro Basin one of the unusual cases in Europe where continuous, non-marine late Eocene-Miocene stratigraphic successions can be accurately biozoned. A joint project has integrated litho, bio and magnetostratigraphic data and established a highly resolutive magnetostratigraphy for the Oligocene. As a result it is reported a continuous and complete magnetostratigraphy of the Oligocene in a terrestrial basin in Europe. A regional biostratigraphic framework based on fossil mammals is proposed as a first approach to define non-marine chronostratigraphic units. Moreover the accurate magnetochronology now established enables to date more precisely some of the palaeobiological changes in southwestern Europe, which were coeval and likely related to the ongoing global palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic changes caused by high latitude cooling. The regional application of the reported advances are illustrated on the basis of the results available from the analysis of the orogenic front of the LinKing Zone (between the Catalan Coastal Range and the Iberian Range) Catalan Coastal range in the SE sector oft he Ebro foreland basin.