Correcciones geométricas en magnetotectónicaFiltrado de rotaciones aparentes debidas a pliegues

  1. E.L. Pueyo Morer 1
  2. H. Millán Garrido 1
  3. A. Pocoví Juan 1
  4. J.M. Parés 2
  1. 1 dpto. Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza
  2. 2 Lab de Paleomagnetismo, I .C. de la Tierra «Jaume Almera» C.S.I.C. Barcelona

ISSN: 0213-683X

Argitalpen urtea: 1996

Zenbakia: 20

Orrialdeak: 1054-1057

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta


The evaluation of apparent rotations asociated with different geological structures is an important task that has to be taken into account to carrectly interprete paleomagnetic data. In this paper, the way to calculate apparent rotations by effect of flexural folds with canical geometry and the manner to model any lineation (or vector) affected by this peculiar geometry is shown. This apparent rotation only depends on the semiapical angle of the fold and the degree of development of the fold. Furthermore, the manner to remove apparent rotations due to plunging folds is a/so shown. Three examples (one canical and two plunging folds) allow us to illustrate these tapies.