Magnetoestratigrafía preliminar de los materiales pliocenos de la Cubeta de Villarroya. (Sierra de Cameros, la Rioja)
- E. Pueyo Morer 1
- A. Muñoz Jiménez 1
- J.M. Parés 2
- 1 Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad de Zaragoza
- 2 Laboratorio de Paleomagnetimo ICT "Jaume Almera" C.S.I.C.
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 1996
Issue: 20
Pages: 1029-1032
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
In this work we report a magnetostratigraphic study of a Pliocene section at Villarroya basin. The correlation with the geomagnetic Polarity Time Scalt= (GPTS) is tied by the existen ce of a well-defined paleontological locality (MN16b) at the top of the pro file. This correlation allows us to calculate sedimentary rates which satisfactorily match the expected rates from local paleogeographyc studies. The main contribution of this study is the precise magnetostratigraphyc dating of both the Vil/arroya paleontological locality at Reunion magnetozone (2,229-2,197 m.y.) and, specially, the climatic sedimentary break (3,325-3,221 m.y.) which occurred at the boundary of the two identified TectoSedimentary Units (TSU).