Desarrollo y aplicación metodológica para el análisis espacial de yacimientos paleolíticos al aire libre y en cueva

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Alfonso Benito Calvo Doktorvater
  2. Joseba Rios Garaizar Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 17 von Juni von 2019

  1. Mohamed Sahnouni Präsident
  2. Eneko Iriarte Avilés Sekretär/in
  3. Ignacio de la Torre Sáinz Vocal
  4. Manuel Vaquero Rodríguez Vocal
  5. Jordi Rosell Ardèvol Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 595655 DIALNET lock_openRIUBU editor


This PhD proposes a methodological protocol that allows the understanding of the dynamics in the site formation processes, from the combination of spatial analysis techniques already used in archaeology with methods applied in other disciplines, such as geology or ecology. To do this, it has been carried out some analysis focused in the study of stratigraphies and the reconstruction of the palaeosurfaces, as well as in the accumulation and dispersion patterns of the materials recovered. Through the application of different GIS tools, as well as the analysis of data based on inferential statistics and fabrics, we have obtained results that have allowed us to verify these methods for the study of several Palaeolithic sites of diverse chronology and context, such as the open-air sites of Ambrona (Soria) and Aranbaltza II (Bizkaia), and the cave site of Amalda (Gipuzkoa). Key concepts: Spatial archaeology, Site formation processes, Geographic Information Systems, Fabric analysis, Palaeolithic.