Publikationen (35) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. An automated method to extract fluvial terraces from LIDAR based high resolution Digital Elevation Models: The Oiartzun valley, a case study in the Cantabrian Margin

    Quaternary International, Vol. 364, pp. 35-43

  2. Assessing the uncertainty on particle size and shape: Implications for ESR and OSL dating of quartz and feldspar grains

    Radiation Measurements, Vol. 81, pp. 116-122

  3. Bone diagenesis at the Florisbad spring site, Free State Province (South Africa): Implications for the taphonomy of the Middle and Late Pleistocene faunal assemblages

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 4, pp. 152-163

  4. Cartografía de las áreas potenciales de terrazas en los valles fluviales del margen cantábrico oriental (país vasco) a partir de modelos digitales de elevación basados en datos lidar.

    Una visión global del Cuaternario: El hombre como condicionante de procesos geológicos

  5. Chronological and palaeoenvironmental context of human occupations at the Buendía rockshelter (Central Spain) during the late Upper Pleistocene in inland Iberia

    Journal of Quaternary Science, Vol. 30, Núm. 4, pp. 376-390

  6. Comparing two different Early Pleistocene microfaunal sequences from the caves of Atapuerca, Sima del Elefante and Gran Dolina (Spain): Biochronological implications and significance of the Jaramillo subchron

    Quaternary International, Vol. 389, pp. 148-158

  7. Datación por luminiscencia ópticamente estimulada (osl) aplicada al estudio de sedimentos de crecida recientes

    Una visión global del Cuaternario: El hombre como condicionante de procesos geológicos

  8. ESR dosimetry of optically bleached quartz grains extracted from Plio-Quaternary sediment: Evaluating some key aspects of the ESR signals associated to the Ti-centers

    Radiation Measurements, Vol. 78, pp. 28-41

  9. ESR/U-series dating of fossil teeth: A useful tool to estimate the reworking state of the archaeological layers?

    Quaternaire, Vol. 26, Núm. 3, pp. 213-223

  10. El abrigo de Cueva Blanca: un yacimiento de la transición al Neolítico antiguo en el campo de Hellín (Albacete)

    5.º Congresso do Neolítico Peninsular. Actas: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 7-9 abril 2011

  11. Electron spin resonance (Esr) dating of fossil tooth enamel

    Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series (Springer Netherlands), pp. 239-246

  12. Erratum to "Acheulean technological behaviour in the Middle Pleistocene landscape of Mieso (East-Central Ethiopia)" [J. Hum. Evol., 76, (2014), 1-25], doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2014.06.008

    Journal of Human Evolution

  13. Erratum to "The geology and chronology of the Acheulean deposits in the Mieso area (East-Central Ethiopia)" [J. Hum. Evol., 76, (2014), 26-38], doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2014.08.013

    Journal of Human Evolution

  14. Evaluating the accuracy of ESR dose determination of pseudo-Early Pleistocene fossil tooth enamel samples using dose recovery tests

    Radiation Measurements, Vol. 79, pp. 24-32

  15. Evaluating the suitability of extended-range luminescence dating techniques over early and Middle Pleistocene timescales: Published datasets and case studies from Atapuerca, Spain

    Quaternary International, Vol. 389, pp. 167-190

  16. Evaluation of ESR residual dose in quartz modern samples, an investigation on environmental dependence

    Quaternary Geochronology, Vol. 30, pp. 506-512

  17. Evidence for the Blake Event recorded at the Eemian archaeological site of Caours, France

    Quaternary International, Vol. 357, pp. 149-157

  18. Extended-range luminescence chronologies suggest potentially complex bone accumulation histories at the Early-to-Middle Pleistocene palaeontological site of Huéscar-1 (Guadix-Baza basin, Spain)

    Quaternary International, Vol. 389, pp. 191-212

  19. First GIS Analysis of Modern Stone Tools Used by Wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Bossou, Guinea, West Africa

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 10, Núm. 3

  20. Flood-flipped boulders: In-situ cosmogenic nuclide modeling of flood deposits in the monsoon tropics of Australia

    Geology, Vol. 43, Núm. 1, pp. 43-46