Programa de investigación
Geocronología y Geología
Publications (20) Publications in which a researcher has participated
An early Iron Age assemblage of faience beads from Ashkelon, Israel: Chemical composition and manufacturing process
Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 40, Núm. 10, pp. 3626-3635
Application of GIS methods to retrieve orientation patterns from imagery; a case study from Beds I and II, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)
Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 40, Núm. 5, pp. 2446-2457
Aprovisionamiento de sílex en el Prepirineo oriental durante el Paleolítico superior antiguo: el nivel arqueológico 497C de Cova Gran (Santa Linya, Lleida)
Trabajos de Prehistoria, Vol. 70, Núm. 1, pp. 7-27
Climate variability over the last 35,000 years recorded in marine and terrestrial archives in the Australian region: An OZ-INTIMATE compilation
Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 74, pp. 21-34
Combined esr/u-series chronology of acheulian hominid-bearing layers at trinchera galería site, atapuerca, spain
Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 65, Núm. 2, pp. 168-184
Early evidence of acheulean settlement in northwestern Europe - La noira site, a 700 000 year-old occupation in the center of France
PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, Núm. 11
Esr dosimetryof fossil enamel: Some comments about measurement precision, long-term signal fading and dose-response curve fitting
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 157, Núm. 4, pp. 463-476
Evolution of multilevel caves in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) and its relation to human occupation
Geomorphology, Vol. 196, pp. 122-137
Experimental protocols for the study of battered stone anvils from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)
Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 40, Núm. 1, pp. 313-332
Field gamma dose-rate assessment in natural sedimentary contexts using LaBr3(Ce) and NaI(Tl) probes: A comparison between the "threshold" and "windows" techniques
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 74, pp. 36-45
Lowland river responses to intraplate tectonism and climate forcing quantified with luminescence and cosmogenic 10Be
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 366, pp. 49-58
New views on an old move: Hominin migration into Eurasia
Quaternary International, Vol. 295, pp. 5-12
Non-antipodal directions in magnetostratigraphy: An overprint bias?
Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 192, Núm. 1, pp. 75-81
OSL dating of the Middle Palaeolithic Hotel California site, Sierra de Atapuerca, north-central Spain
Boreas, Vol. 42, Núm. 2, pp. 285-305
Reassessing the age of Atapuerca-TD6 (Spain): New paleomagnetic results
Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 40, Núm. 12, pp. 4586-4595
Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Kazdaǧi Massif (NW Anatolia) based on field studies and radiometric ages
International Geology Review, Vol. 55, Núm. 16, pp. 2060-2082
The oldest human fossil in Europe, from Orce (Spain)
Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 65, Núm. 1, pp. 1-9
Total evaporation method for uranium isotope-amount ratio measurements
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Vol. 28, Núm. 6, pp. 866-876
Towards an absolute chronology for the Aegean iron age: New radiocarbon dates from Lefkandi, Kalapodi and Corinth
PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, Núm. 12
Utilización de los Modelos Digitales del Terreno a partir de datos LiDAR como instrumento de análisis geomorfológico en el valle del río Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)
CKQ: estudios de Cuaternario, Núm. 3, pp. 19-34